I have a Ram.
He is fat.
He likes jam and ham.
He has a rag hat.
The hat has a tag.
The rat likes the hat.
The rat is bad.
The rat ran with the hat.
The ram is sad.
Story for the day
I have a Ram. He is fat.
He likes jam and ham.
He has a hat. The hat has a tag.
The rat likes the hat. The rat is bad.
The rat ran with the hat. The ram is sad.
Fill in the blanks.
1) I have a ____.
2) The rat likes the ____.
3) The hat has a ____.
4) The rat ran with the ____.
5) The ram is ____.
Mark the rhyming words.
1) Rat / Hat.
2) Fat / Far.
3) Ram / Jam.
4) Bad / Hat.
5) Had / Sad.
Name the Picture.
Ram / Ham
Jam and Ham / Pan and Van
Rat / Cat
Hat / Mat
Sad / Mad
Have a nice weekend.
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