The 'fr' blend:
Frail, frame, frank
Freak, freckles, free, freeze, freight, fresh.
Friday, friend, fright, freight, frill, fringe, frizz.
Frog, frolic, from, frost, frozen, fruit, fry, frying.
Write the blend 'fr' set of words on individual cards. Underline the blend in every word. Explain your child that the set of two letters that needed to be spelt together or blended and help him in reading the first few words. Once he is comfortable reading individual words and recognizes the reading pattern, encourage him to read the story under your supervision.
Story for the 'fr' blend:

Freeny, the fret frog.
Freeny, the frog, is a good friend,
Freeny, the frog, wants Friday, as the weekend.
Freeny, the frog, loves frills and frizz,
Freeny, the frog, has a big fridge.
Freeny, the frog, is a freak, and is frank,
Freeny, the frog, is full of pranks
Freeny, the frog, likes french fries,
Freeny, the frog, loves all food fried.
Freeny, the frog, has a frail frame,
Freeny, the frog, frolics on freight trains.
Freeny, the frog, is a good friend,
Freeny, the frog, wants Friday, as the weekend.
Take care.
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